I love being a mom. I love watching Liam grow. Everyday is a new day with him. So since I am back in Alaska, waiting for all the snow to melt, I thought I would write cute little things Liam does. I know if I wait too long I will get out of the habit of writing, so this is dedicated to Liam!!

Liam was upstairs with his daddy and I was downstairs reading a book on the couch. I could hear Liam sliding down the stairs. My first thought was oh no cover your face he is going to pounce. Why can't I just have a few minutes to relax!! Though My sweet little boy came over to me and then put his face around the side of my book and smiled. Then went back behind it and then put his face on top of the book and smiled. He did this a couple of times playing hide and go seek with me. After that I just wanted to grab him and kiss him. Always making me happy!!
Liam saw me getting ready for my Sunday lesson and came over. I was doing a lesson on the Word of Wisdom, so I had cut-outs of fruits. Liam picked up the banana and said "nana." Then he picked up the apple and said "apple." I didn't know he knew what those were!! Today I was in the shower and he came in and saw my strawberry shampoo. He picked it up and said "nana." I guess we need to eat more strawberries.

He saw a family picture of the Phillips and pointed to his Grandpa and said "Grpa," then pointed to his Grandma and said "Mamamama." I am glad he knows who they are now that he got to go visit them. Now everyday I have little finger prints all over the glass frame with the family picture behind it. We know who his favorites are by the smudges. He also points to Jesus and says "Jeese- us," he gets this mixed up a lot with GG, (his other grandma), so they sometimes get called the same thing.
Liam remembers everything. I thought I could buy train bubbles in front of him for Easter. However when we got home he was going through the Walmart bags saying choo-choo, choo-choo. Looking everywhere for it. Yesterday we went to go pick up Dada from work. When we got close to Callan's parking lot, Liam was in his seat going "Dada, Dada, Dada!" He knew where we were at!!
He surprised me the other day, when he put his car puzzle together and he put it together perfectly. He matched the right cars together and put them in the right spot!
So you don't have to read this blog, it is just me, bragging about how cute my son is. I am sad that my baby is growing up, but glad to get to watch him learn. I love my baby Liam!!!